Monday 26 September 2011

Analysing Aaliyahs Costume

Aaliyah's first hit 'Back & Forth'. She's wearing a black tube top, black sunglasses, big jean jacket and bandana on her head. This was her casual everyday look which many young girls emulated in that era.

she was being represented as quite masculine, but sexy she portrayed herself as an independent powerful young woman. Aaliyahs other single 'If your girl only knew', she is presented as 'one of the guys'.
We get the impression that she's respected. Her outfits were a 'tomboy' style with a hint of chic as her midriff was usually on show, but everything else was covered up. We can see Jive were trying to target both male and female audiences with her songs and image, as her music was usually a hard beat which guys enjoy with her soft vocals over it which girls would be attracted to sing along to.

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