Tuesday 1 November 2011

Evaluating The Planning

Our music video will conform and break Andrew Goodwin's 5 theories of conventions.
There's a slight connection between the lyrics and the visuals, however we are planning on having symbolic references which means our video will be open for interpretation to any audience. We're also planning on using multiple close-up shots emphasising the artists importance conforming to his theory also creating an intimate relationship between the artist and the viewer. The song has a mystical eerie sound to which relates to the dark forest setting. Our video will have intertextual references to 'Red Riding Hood' & 'The Never Ending Story'. From 'Red Riding Hood' we're using the costume as our artist will be wearing a red cape and from the 'Never Ending Story' we'll be using the low level shot they use when filming the dog following the little boy.

We've planned our video and concluded that our video follow Todorovs narrative theory as our video begins with the Equilibrium where everything seems normal, but then the Dis-equilibrium happens where Sarah then realises that everything is not okay and she's lost in the forest; metaphorically lack of trust. In relation to the lyrics Sarah recognises that she must let go of the past, this is the recognition. The reparation is when she leaves her red cape behind and finds flowers and balloons symbolising a new beginning . Finally she finds her way out of the forest this being the New Equilibrium.

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