Tuesday 1 November 2011

Survey Response


  1. The survey could have been linked more specifically to your planning. You could ask questions about your storyboard e.g. is the narrative clear, does it fit the song, are there enough close ups, is the pace right. It should help you to continue planning.

  2. Autumn Half Term Assessment Grade: 12 D

    Nina this is coming along well so far. You have carried out some analysis of existing products and this uses media terminology with building confidence. You have created a storyboard (just need to upload) and there is a sense of planning for filming taking place.

    To improve:
    There needs to be more of a sense of progression. I have given you some pointers in the comments sections. Mainly we need to see your ideas developing more. Start with an ideas board, annotation of lyrics and then the storyboard. You should be holding regular production meetings which I have seen you doing in class. The minutes should be typed up and posted to the blog. For example when you are planning to go out and film, like Monday, then you should minute the planning. Where are you going to meet, when, who is organising equipment?

    Also please check your spelling or ask a friend to check for you. Capital letters for names please.

    Overall Nina I'm feeling very positive about your video and your ideas - you just need to record your planning in a much more clear and detailed way. You also need to get the blog in order as the posts are not in the correct order.

  3. Thank you Miss, I'll be correcting the posts now.
